Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, CEO of BVG, will head the Freight Transport Board Division as of January • EUR 1 billion for additional trains
Deutsche Bahn issued its first hybrid bond in its history with a volume of EUR 2 billion.
S&P Global Ratings raises ratings of DB AG to “AA” and confirms “stable” outlook.
Moody’s affirms ratings of DB AG and revises outlook from “stable” to “negative”.
Wide-ranging package of measures: Additional capital for expansion and upgrading of the rail system • Prices for long-distance rail tickets will be…
Our investor update provides an overview of developments in our markets, the economic development of DB Group and our strategic approach.
The presentations and speech from the Interim Results Press Conference for the first half year 2019 are available here for downloading.
More customers and higher revenues • Record capital expenditures in a Powerful Rail
DB CEO Richard Lutz presents performance in first half of 2019:…