The presentations and speeches from the Interim Results Press Conference for the first half year 2014 Year are available here for downloading.
Deutsche Bahn with positive revenue and profit development in H1 2014 • Rail's upward trend continues • More than one billion passengersNew train…
Deutsche Bahn issues € benchmark bond with volume of € 300 million
Our financial presentation provides investors with an overview of developments in our markets, the economic development of DB Group and our strategic…
The presentations and speeches from the Annual Results Press Conference for the 2014 Financial Year are available here for downloading.
42 million more passengers in German rail transport • Revenues, capital expenditures and net debt roughly stable • Decline in adjusted EBIT • 35%…
Deutsche Bahn issues € benchmark bond with volume of € 500 million
Moody’s verbessert den Rating-Ausblick der DB AG von ‚negativ‘ auf ‚stabil‘. Standard and Poor’s bestätigt aktuelle Rating-Einstufungen der DB AG.
Standard&Poor's has confirmed in March 2014 the rating and the outlook of DB AG
Deutsche Bahn issues a Singapore Dollar Bond with a volume of SGD 125 million (about € 73 million).