Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

We at Deutsche Bahn have committed ourselves to an ambitious goal: We will become climate neutral by 2040. This puts our target year five years ahead of the German government's goal for climate neutrality in Germany. In defining climate neutrality, we adhere to the Net Zero standard of the internationally recognized Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
In 2020, we received the seal of approval from the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our 2°C targets and greenhouse gas reduction paths. In 2022, we committed to the 1.5°C path in accordance with the SBTi and will have our climate protection targets scientifically reviewed and confirmed by the SBTi by the beginning of 2025.
Managing decarbonization
For our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we are implementing Group-wide absolute CO2e reduction paths on the basis of extensive analyses and by identifying potential and defining specific levers.
For Scope 3 emissions, we have carried out extensive screening for the DB Group and are currently developing a roadmap for managing the relevant Scope 3 emissions. For Scope 3.1 (purchased goods and services) and Scope 3.2 (capital goods), we aim to establish a supplier engagement target with the aim of ensuring that our suppliers also commit to science-based climate targets. In accordance with the requirements of the SBTi, we will also report the absolute greenhouse gas emissions for this annually from 2024.
With 4 powerful instruments to climate neutrality
1. Increasing the share of renewable energy
We focus on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in DB traction power and in the supply of our stationary facilities.
2. Expansion of electrification
Already today, more than 90 percent of all rail transport services in Germany are provided electrically. Together with the federal government, we want to further increase this share.
3. End of Diesel
On the way to a climate-neutral Deutsche Bahn, we want to stop using fossil fuels. That's why we're adopting a technology-open approach with alternative fuels and drives.
4. Start of the heat transition
We also want to stop using fossil fuels for heating and are developing concrete phase-out plans as well as an implementation path until 2040.
SBTi promotes science-based climate targets
SBTi has set itself the goal of promoting science-based climate targets in companies. It is a leader in this field. SBTi was founded jointly by the CDP, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
When assessing climate targets, SBTi considers both the sector and the size of the company. In this way, an individual contribution is calculated for each company, which is required to achieve the Paris climate target.