The finalisation of the reassessment follows the affirmation of the sovereign rating of the Federal Republic of Germany
The announcement followed the envisaged reassessment of the sovereign long-term rating of the Federal Republic of Germany
Further bond issues with a volume of € 60 million and USD 200 million
Bond issued in August 2011 increased by NOK 500 million (€ 65 million) and another EUR bond issue of € 92 million launched
Deutsche Bahn issues Hongkong Dollar bond with a volume of HKD 836 million (€ 78 million)
Deutsche Bahn issues Norwegian Krona Bond with a volume of NOK 750 million (€ 95 million)
DB Group remains on track for success in first half of 2011: Record revenues, profits jump, passenger numbers rise again
The presentations and speeches from the publication of the interim report 2011 are available here for downloading.
CEO Dr. Grube and CFO Dr. Lutz…
Deutsche Bahn increases benchmark bond issued in July 2011 by € 200 million
Deutsche Bahn issues Swiss Franc Benchmark Bond with a volume of CHF 375 million (€ 323 million)