Our investor update provides an overview of developments in our markets, the economic development of DB Group and our strategic approach.
Luxembourg Stock Exchange includes Group in new window for particularly eco-friendly issuers - DB CFO Holle: "It gives our investors certainty that we…
Deutsche Bahn issued SEK bond (volume SEK 5 billion)
Deutsche Bahn issued GBP bond (volume GBP 300 million)
Deutsche Bahn issued CHF bond (volume CHF 400 million)
DB Group awarded for the fourth time in a row for global leadership in commitment against climate change - DB Group received grade A on CDP climate…
Deutsche Bahn issued further € benchmark bond (volume € 1,000 million)
Moody`s affirmed final rating of DB AG (“Aa1”) and outlook (“negative”). BCA and as a result the rating of the hybrid bonds lowered by one notch.…
DB CEO Richard Lutz presents H1 figures • Pandemic causes revenues and profits to fall sharply • Impairment at DB Arriva • DB keeps people and goods…