The presentations and speeches from the Annual Results Press Conference for the 2014 Financial Year are available here for downloading.
42 million more passengers in German rail transport • Revenues, capital expenditures and net debt roughly stable • Decline in adjusted EBIT • 35%…
Deutsche Bahn issues € benchmark bond with volume of € 500 million
Moody’s verbessert den Rating-Ausblick der DB AG von ‚negativ‘ auf ‚stabil‘. Standard and Poor’s bestätigt aktuelle Rating-Einstufungen der DB AG.
Standard&Poor's has confirmed in March 2014 the rating and the outlook of DB AG
Deutsche Bahn issues a Singapore Dollar Bond with a volume of SGD 125 million (about € 73 million).
Deutsche Bahn issued Swiss Franc Benchmark Bond with a volume of CHF 300 million (about € 246 million)
Deutsche Bahn issued bonds in two tranches with a volume of SEK 1,600 million (nearly € 182 million).
Deutsche Bahn issued first bond in 2014 as a private placement with a volume of AUD 90 million (nearly € 59 million).
Moody's has confirmed in January 2014 the rating and the outlook of DB AG