Sustainability in payment
The structure of the variable compensation of Management Board members, executives and other employee groups in DB Group is very much geared toward sustainability objectives with the target of a sustainable moblity transition and the resulting noticeable CO₂e reduction of DB Group and in the transport sector in Germany in line with the Federal Government’s transport policy objectives:
- The long-term variable compensation (long-term incentive; LTI) of Management Board members and executives with an LTI commitment includes, as crucial factors, a target for the expansion of the proportion of renewable energies in the traction current mix (from 2024 to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions in the integrated rail system) and volume targets for a sustainable shift in the mode of transport to rail. Achieving these targets is the key lever both for reducing DB Group’s CO₂e emissions and for reducing CO₂e emissions in the transport sector in Germany overall.

- In addition, the short-term variable compensation (short-term incentive; STI) of Management Board members, executives and other employee groups focused on the strategic Strong Rail targets includes, as crucial components, key figures for a sustainable shift in the mode of transport (customer satisfaction and punctuality) and for employee satisfaction and the expansion of the proportion of women in leadership. In addition, personal performance, or for the variable compensation (variable annual bonus) of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, the reduction of the CO₂e emissions of the railway in Germany, is also taken into account as a further component.

Details on the payment of the Management Board and Supervisory Board are set out in the payment report 2023.
to overview