DB InfraGO
On January 1, 2024, DB Netz AG and DB Station&Service AG were merged to form a common good-oriented rail infrastructure company. DB Netz AG now operates under the name DB InfraGO AG; the name InfraGO is an abbreviation for “Infrastruktur GemeinwohlOrientiert” (common good-oriented infrastructure). DB InfraGO AG remains part of DB Group. The activities of the previous business units DB Netze Track and DB Netze Stations have been managed in the new business unit DB InfraGO since the 2024 financial year.
With more than 33,000 km of track, DB Netze Track operates the largest rail network in Europe. More than one billion train-path kilometers are traveled each year on the tracks in Germany. The most important sources of income are revenues from train-path products, which constitute over 90% of total revenues. Train-path prices are established on a transparent basis by a train-path pricing system regulated by the BNetzA.
DB Netze Track is also responsible for managing infrastructure operations as well as for securing long-term infrastructure quality and availability, and non-discriminatory access to train-paths and service facilities. This includes preparing schedules in close cooperation with customers, operations management, construction management and maintenance.
Development in the year 2023 Development in the first half of 2023

DB Netze Stations is the largest station operator in Europe. In addition to the core business, the development and operation of stations, the business unit offers a variety of mobility-oriented services in stations. With about 0.9 million m² of leasing area, we are among Germany’s largest commercial landlords.
Trains from more than 110 TOCs stop at our stations every day. We set particular priorities in the areas of service, safety and cleanliness so that we can offer customers a high degree of quality. Our station management also works hard on-site to ensure seamless operations.
Development in the year 2023 Development in the first half of 2023