Ad hoc announcement
Deutsche Bahn Finance GmbH is under the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) obliged to publish certain information without delay which could have a significant effect on the price of its securities.
The Market Abuse Regulation (Art. 17 MAR) obliges the issuers of certain financial instruments to an "ad hoc announcement" of certain important news in the area of the company relating to the company which is not publicly known and which is appropriate because of its effects to significantly influense the price of company's financial instruments or related derivative financial instruments. This aims to prevent that price-sensitive information are only are known by "insiders", who might use this knowledge to their advantage.
There are no reportable transactions so far in this period.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.
There are no reportable transactions.