Governance and Management

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance rules are intended to ensure good, responsible, value-focused corporate management.

We are convinced that good corporate governance is fundamental to the success of DB Group. Our aim is to sustainably increase the enterprise value so as to promote the interests of customers, business partners, investors, employees and the public, while maintaining and expanding trust in DB Group.

Corporate Governance Report 

The Board of Management reports on corporate governance in the DB Group as part of the annual Integrated Report. You will find the current Corporate Governance report here for download:

2023 Corporate Governance report- DB Group
PDF-Download 199.8 KBexperience online

I. The Supervisory Board and the Management Board of DB AG declare that since the last declaration was issued on March 29, 2023, the recommendations of the Public Corporate Governance Code adopted by the Federal Government on September 16, 2020, and updated on December 13, 2023, have been complied with, with the following exceptions:

These can be found in the 2023 Integrated Report.

II. The Supervisory Board and Management Board of DB AG further declare that the Group parent company and the companies under its uniform management that are required to apply the Code will, in principle, comply with the recommendations on the Public Corporate Governance Code (PCGK 2023) adopted by the Federal Government on September 16, 2020, and updated on December 13, 2023, with the aforementioned exceptions.

The compensation report outlines the compensation system and lists the individual compensation of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.

Compensation system of the Management Board

The compensation system for the Management Board of DB AG aims to provide appropriate remuneration to members of the Management Board in accordance with their duties and areas of responsibility.

The appropriate level of remuneration is reviewed regularly using a comparison process. This review examines the level of Management Board remuneration both in comparison to the external market (horizontal appropriateness) and in comparison to other levels of remuneration within the company (vertical appropriateness). If the review shows a need to adjust the remuneration system or the level of remuneration, the Personnel Committee of the Supervisory Board, which has equal representation of the stakeholders and shareholders involved through the shareholders and employee representatives on the committee, submits corresponding proposals in this regard to the Supervisory Board for approval. The appropriateness of the remuneration of the Board members was assessed in the year under review. The results of the review were taken into account as part of a revised version of the Management Board remuneration methodology, which will take effect from 2024.

You can find out more in the current Integrated Report.

to overview